007 Face Mapper
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Author: The RWP

Date: March 20, 2004

Category: Historical Archives


007 Face Mapper V1.0

By Ice Mario and SubDrag

Finally, at long last, we are releasing a tool that will allow a person to put their face (or anyone's face into Goldeneye). First conceptualized in Rareware's Perfect Dark, and removed because of Nintendo's objections, it has now become a reality.

In order to do this all you need is an N64 GameShark with comms, a parallel port cable, Goldeneye, and Windows 95, 98, or XP. As usual, put in the gameshark, then Goldeneye, hook up the parallel cable to the shark from pc, and start the game. When you want to replace a head in the game, open the face-mapping application and hit refresh. It will download the currently loaded heads from the game to your computer screen. Double click on an image and insert your own bmp (it must be 32x64 pixels, 256 colors). Voila! You're in the game! Use the included gameshark codes if you want all of the guards to be the same head, so you can put a face on all the guards. We've included a few sample faces, but be sure to try ones of your own.

This works in single player and multiplayer, so you can play out your dreams…

1. What if I have Windows Me?
Find another pc, Windows Me does not work with the gameshark and parallel port.

2. Can I do this in an emulator?
Yes and no. You can, but it is not supported by this tool or in this release.

3. What about the other images?
We have successfully understood the format of most of the images in the game, but wanted to get the face-mapping out as early as possible. In the next release you will be able to insert and download almost any image in the game. We have figured out the format, it will just take a little bit more time to finalize the process.

4. How do I make the images?
Most imaging tools will be able to decrease the amount of colors in an image to 256 and change the size to 32 x 64 pixels. Save in bmp form. Using the included faces, match your own face to the one you wish to replace, and then upload it back.

5. How soon till the next version is available?
The next version will be out relatively soon. As stated above, we have figured out nearly all of the decompressed image formats, so it is simply a matter of implementing it. It will be out relatively soon.

6. Is this for Perfect Dark as well?
While we have decoded the format and extracted the faces (it is almost identical to Goldeneye), the problem is that since Perfect Dark uses the expansion pak itself, PD can only run in no expansion pak mode with the shark to allow any tool to act on it. There should be eventually a release including no expansion Perfect Dark heads as well. Note, that PD heads are a bit more refined than Goldeneyes.

7. Can you decompress images from the ROM?
Well…no, not really, though we're not at square one. If you'd like to help and you know your stuff, drop us a line.

Comments, bugs, great heads you've made, give us an email.


(c) The Rare Witch Project 2004
We are not responsible if you decide to go out and kill someone because of this (please don't). We simply are providing a tool to insert a head into a game for amusement purposes. On usage, you waive the creators of this tool of any responsibility.


File nameFile typeSize
007facemapper.zipZip archive data383.45 kBInfo
image.pngPNG image data4.77 kBInfo


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