GoldenEye ROM Editor
GoldenEye ROM Editor
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Author: Subdrag and Ice Mario

Date: December 11, 2004

Category: Historical Archive

Program: GoldenEye ROM Editor


GE ROM Image Editor 1.1

By SubDrag and Ice Mario

We've cracked one form of Goldeneye's compression. It's taken us months and an extraordinary amount of frustration, but at long last…we've done it!

Update 1.1 of our ROM Editor. This time…you can replace 1,743 images, nearly every image from the game with any properly sized user image you create. Remake full level textures, face sets, character sets, there are so many possibilities.

Save all of your changes as permanent ROMs or an ips patch, so that your textures will now be permanently stored in a ROM!

Also included are the discovery of beta textures and the All Bonds hidden away in memory!

Got great pictures or great ips patches? Send 'em over! We welcome your comments.


Additional thanks to:
Zoinkity - All those great descriptions.
Rune - Many of the superb textures.

(c) The Rare Witch Project 2004
We are not responsible if you decide to go out and kill someone because of this (please, please don't). We simply are proiding a tool to insert a texture into a game for amusement purposes. On usage, you waive the creators of this tool of any responsibility.


File nameFile typeSize
Goldeneye Rom Editor.zipZip archive data2.3 MBInfo
image.pngPNG image data8.11 kBInfo


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