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NME Mission Pack
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Author: Agent43 (w/ Wreck)

Date: August 3rd, 2023

Category: GE Solo Levels

Expansion Pak: Yes

The New Machination Extremists, or otherwise known as "The NME", are a terrorist group hell-bent on devastation. It is believed they are housing high-grade ballistic missiles at an outpost located in Yakutsk. 007 is sent in to disable the weapons, and recover information from their network.

This is a two-pack of levels, as part of a single storyline.

Patch to an unflipped GoldenEye image.

Thanks to…
Wreck: Editing/additions, story/briefing/dialogue rewrite, console testing, etc.
Zoinkity & Carnivorous: Expansion Pak support and other features.
N64 Vault: Perfect Dark and other models.
CHLindin: Custom music.
SubDrag: Setup Editor tool.
HackBond & Nico-00: Testing and feedback.

Thanks for playing!


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- ge-levels -
Boss Lair (XBLA)
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Author: 00Action

Date: August 1st, 2023

Category: Solo Mods


First simple GoldenEye 007 XBLA custom mission. Hope you enjoy. I have also made this level for the N64 version, as well.

Version of Community Edition Updater…
==Mar 06 2022 (Final Update)==
This patch already has all the Community Edition updates up to the version stated above.

Use a patcher capable of utilizing Xdelta files. Apply this to your standard 15.1 MB sized "default.xex" game file [not the "defaultCE.xex"]. Keep a copy of the original as to not overwrite it.

Now, drop the "bsl" folder inside the following Bean (GE XBLA) location: "filesCE" -> "loc" -> "english". You will see many other folders within (ark, cave, title, etc.), which correspond to the levels, menus, weapons, and other miscellaneous text. This is totally custom text for this new level, and will only be used by this one specific mission.

If you run into any trouble, someone at the N64 Vault Discord channel should be able to help.

Graslu00 - for testing on emulator and console.
Wreck - for help with text file and .xex file info.
Carnivorous - for the setup converter.
RetroDriven - for his XBLA tool.
Subdrag and Carnivorous - for the Setup Editor.

My video of the level…


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- ge-xbla-mods -
Boss Lair (N64)
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Author: 00Action

Date: July 31st, 2023

Category: GE Solo Levels

Expansion Pak: Yes

If you are making a custom mission for GE XBLA, you have to create the setup for the N64 version first, then convert it over to XBLA. This setup for the N64 version was pretty much all ready to go, so I thought I would release this one, too. Hope you enjoy.

Version of Footsteps patch used…
v53 [PD style guard fade removed]

Carnivorous - for the Footsteps patch.
Subdrag and Carnivorous - for the Setup Editor.
Zoinkity - for the Expansion Pak patch.

My video of the level…


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Perfect Dark Main
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Jet Force Gemini Main
Mickey's Speedway USA Main
Pokemon Snap Main
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- ge-levels -
Harbor Lab
Image Unavailable

Author: Agent43 (w/ Wreck)

Date: April 2nd, 2023

Category: GE Solo Levels

Expansion Pak: Yes

007 has been sent to a small island in the Mediterranean Sea, where research and development of black market weapons is taking place in an underground complex. An MI6 agent on the inside is awaiting his arrival.

(Some areas may lag a bit on console or lower-end computers. Improves with fewer guards alive.)

Patch to an unflipped GoldenEye image.

Disrupt all security equipment
Locate inside agent
Install covert modem
Erase computer network
Photograph blueprints
Minimize scientist casualties

Thanks to…
Zoinkity & Carnivorous: Expansion Pak support and other features.
Wreck: Setup editing, final scene, story/briefing/dialogue rewrite, console testing, etc.
N64 Vault: Perfect Dark models.
Johnny Thunder: Bed prop.
CHLindin: Custom music.

Thanks for playing!


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GoldenEye Main
Perfect Dark Main
Diddy Kong Racing Main
Jet Force Gemini Main
Mickey's Speedway USA Main
Pokemon Snap Main
Super Smash Bros. Main

- ge-levels -
Training -1
Image Unavailable

Author: Coockie

Date: March 28th, 2023

Category: GE Solo Levels

Expansion Pak: Yes

This mod goes HARD feel free to SCREENSHOT sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh

How to Patch:

- Use a fresh Goldeneye007.z64 rom. Open the Setup Editor and head to Tools > Patch XDelta to Goldeneye rom > Select your fresh Goldeneye007.z64 rom > Select the patch > Save your patched rom .z64 or .rom.

Helping hands:

- EternallyAries, for THE BEST SUGGESTIONS

- Wreck, for console testing

- Zoinkity, for the Spectrum Emulation patch and Expansion Pak patch.

- SubDrag, Carnivorous, for creating and maintaining the setup editor.

Discord: Coockie#8187
Mail: moc.liamg|dxbimorfyrrag#moc.liamg|dxbimorfyrrag

Any problems with the map or things I should correct, contact me.

If you get stuck, your girl might be able to offer some advice…


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Perfect Dark Main
Diddy Kong Racing Main
Jet Force Gemini Main
Mickey's Speedway USA Main
Pokemon Snap Main
Super Smash Bros. Main

- ge-levels -
First Aid Kit (Item)
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Author: Wreck

Date: February 26th, 2023

Category: GE Model Templates

Expansion Pak: Yes

Model: First Aid Kit (Satchel)
Type: Item/Object
Contributor: Wreck
Date: February 26th, 2023

GoldenEye has always been known for having body armour, whereas the majority of FPS games have health packs. With the "Footsteps" patch, you can modify your health on the fly. These first aid kits are based off of a Soviet military satchel, and fit in well with the world of 007. There are two versions available to select from. One (a) features a green cross against a square white background, while the other (b) is a more subdued grey cross stitched directly onto the canvas material. By combining either of these with one of the provided action blocks, you can easily add usable health items to your custom missions.

*Note: You MUST have a Footsteps modified GE ROM, which supports the 2B action with FD and FE commands (to copy and alter RAM data)! The action blocks will not work without those changes.

Open up your ROM in the Model Editor menu, select "Object" type from the list, and choose the prop model in which you want to replace. After clicking "Edit", click on the "Import Model Template" button on the upper left of the menu. From this window, choose the P_Z prop model template file you like. Should another window then pop up asking you to choose a ROM to save as (since new textures may be added), either select an existing one, or else type in a new name, then save. Once the model has finished importing, simply click "Inject into ROM and Update" to save your ROM again. If you do not inject the file into ROM, it will not be saved into it. This will replace the original GE object with the new one, and it will be ready to use in your custom setups.

You must then do the same thing with the inventory model. Select "Gun" type out of the list, go to the "23 Flare Pistol" entry, and then click "Edit" next to it. Click the "Import Model Template" option, and choose the G_Z model template version you prefer. When it asks if you would like to have the additional gun details imported, make sure you choose yes. Once imported, go to "Inject into ROM and Update" to save the changes.

There are a few extra easy things to do from this following list…
Set Sound Effect of Gun 23 to "FFFF - No Sound" in Weapon Stats menu.
Update gun names (9834 & 989F) in "LgunE" text file. [First Aid Kit* & first aid kit*]
Update "flare" ammo type name (A416) in "LpropobjE" text file. [first aid kit]
Update gun pickup name (A434) in "LpropobjE" text file. [a first aid kit.*]
Optional - Update Max Magazine Size for 11 Flare type in Ammo menu.

How to use…
Included in the zip are three action blocks. Each of them work in the same manner, but will heal the player by different amounts. One is for a modest 25% heal, another at a generous 50%, and the third will outright replenish full health. You can edit these by whatever amount you like, however. Collect a weapon/item (set as ID 23), and equip it from your watch menu. Pressing the fire button will use it, should you have less than full health. I've added a sound effect on use, but you can change or remove it entirely. It should support all standard control styles (not strictly Z press).

Special thanks to Carnivorous.


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Jet Force Gemini Main
Mickey's Speedway USA Main
Pokemon Snap Main
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- ge-model-templates -
Dwayne's Xmas Meltdown
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Author: ZKA

Date: December 25th, 2022

Category: GE Solo Levels

Expansion Pak: Yes

A fun holiday-themed level that was showcased during the holidays last year already. Starring Graslu00, who has the mission to stop mighty Dwayne and prevent an extreme polar meltdown on Christmas Day. In Dwayne's secret cave, just outside the North Pole, Dwayne and his "Big D Army" are present to confirm everything goes to plan.

Will Graslu save the Earth from turning into a literal ice cube?

*NOTICE: Contains coarse language worthy of the naughty list!

Special thanks to:

Wreck, for miscellaneous edits, implementing some extras, updating various text, etc

Graslu, for the custom head model

Flargee, for the chocolate model and audio for it

Zoinkity, for the Expansion Pak patch

Carnivorous, for the Footsteps patch

SubDrag, for the creation of the setup editor

Thanks for playing, and happy holidays!



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Jet Force Gemini Main
Mickey's Speedway USA Main
Pokemon Snap Main
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- ge-levels -
XBLA & Source Multiplayer Maps
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Author: StupidMarioBros1Fan

Date: December 11th, 2022

Category: GE Multi Levels

Expansion Pak: Yes

Created by StupidMarioBros1Fan.

Tested on Emulator and Console by StupidMarioBros1Fan.

This a Free, Non-Profit fan made Mod, Any & All Reproduction Carts are Unofficial.


Use the GoldenEye Setup Editor or XDelta UI and apply the proper XDelta file to a clean GoldenEye 007 (NTSC-U) ROM
Download XDelta UI -
Download the GESetup Editor -


This mod adds 16 new Multiplayer Maps & 5 new Weapon Sets from "GoldenEye With Mario Characters v3" into the regular game. It also adds proper 3rd Person Models for the Silver & Gold PP7s, extends the Character Roster to include the 3 Unused Civilian characters as well as All Outfits for Bond, Natalya & Trevelyan.
This mod is Multiplayer focused, so the Single Player mode is messed up as I repurposed stuff for the new maps. Everything should function but multiple levels have no Skyboxes and the Menu looks ugly. It's totally possible to add the new stuff without messing up the Single Player, as I did it for the Mario mod, but it requires special commands to edit the Skyboxes while the game is running & I didn't think it was worth the hassle.

The 3rd Person Models for the Silver & Gold PP7s are from the Perfect Dark mod "GoldenEye X"

The new maps are a mixture of Recreated Multiplayer Maps from the Cancelled XBLA Remake & GoldenEye: Source, the Unused Statue & Cradle Multiplayer Maps, and a Custom Surface 1 Multiplayer Map by me.

From GoldenEye XBLA, near-perfect recreations:
Dam (Backzone)

From GoldenEye: Source, modified to work with less players & the original map design:
Dam (Frontzone)
Facility (Backzone)
Facility (Full)
Archives (Backzone)
Archives (Full)

Some edits have been made to a few of the Original Multiplayer Maps, check out the included Text File for details.

Multiple Weapon Sets have been edited to fix inconsistent Model Sizes as well as using the correct 3rd Person Model for certain guns such as the AR33 using the KF7 Soviet's 3rd Person Model.
The Default Weapon Set is now Pistols, and the following 5 Weapon Sets have been added:

"Hunting Knives" Weapon Set from GoldenEye XBLA:
1. Hunting Knife
2. Hunting Knife
3. Grenade
4. Grenade
5. Hunting Knife
6. Hunting Knife
7. Sniper Rifle
8. Sniper Rifle

"Full Automatics" Weapon Set from GoldenEye: Source:
1. D5K Deutshe
2. Klobb
3. D5K (Silenced)
4. KF7 Soviet
5. ZMG (9mm)
6. Phantom
7. AR33
8. RC-P90

"Jungle Weapons" Weapon Set from GoldenEye: Source:
1. PP7 Special Issue
2. PP7 Special Issue
3. Cougar Magnum
4. Cougar Magnum
5. AR33
6. RC-P90
7. Remote Mines
8. Grenade Launcher

"Explosives" Weapon Set from GoldenEye: Source:
1. ZMG
2. Timed Mine
3. Grenade
4. Automatic Shotgun
5. Remote Mine
6. Proximity Mine
7. Grenade Launcher
8. Rocket Launcher

"PP7s" Weapon Set from GoldenEye With Mario Characters v3:
1. PP7 Special Issue
2. PP7 Special Issue
3. PP7 (Silenced)
4. PP7 (Silenced)
5. Silver PP7
6. Silver PP7
7. Gold PP7
8. Gold PP7

To avoid separating this into multiple patches, this mod uses Carnivorous' Footsteps Patch as a base to make use of special commands to bypass the normal limit of 12 Multiplayer Maps. The maps themselves do not use any special commands and can be easily ported to any GE rom.

There is a total of 3 Pages of the Multiplayer Map Select. To switch between them, you simply select the special "Change Page" map and then start a Match. After a second or two, you'll be back in the Menus and can now pick from a different list of Maps.


Carnivorous for Help, Advice, and the Footsteps Patch
Zoinkity for the GE Documentation on GitHub, and the 7MB Expansion Pack
Wreck for Help, Advice, Tutorials, and some stuff with the Memory Peek/Poke function
SubDrag for the Setup Editor, Help, and Advice
Everyone involved with the Development of the Original Game
Everyone involved with the Development of GE X
Everyone involved with the Development of GE XBLA
Everyone involved with the Development of GE: Source
The GoldenEye Modding Community

LINKS TO CHECK OUT: - for more GoldenEye 007 & Perfect Dark mods as well as other N64 games - My YouTube channel for mods of multiple games - GE007/PD Modding Forums


There are a couple of Minor Bugs that you should know about so make sure to check out the included Text File.


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GoldenEye Main
Perfect Dark Main
Diddy Kong Racing Main
Jet Force Gemini Main
Mickey's Speedway USA Main
Pokemon Snap Main
Super Smash Bros. Main

- ge-multi-levels -
Image Unavailable

Author: ZKA (w/ Wreck)

Date: November 29th, 2022

Category: GE Solo Levels

Expansion Pak: Yes

Fifth level in my storyline, continuing right after Operation 40. In
this installment, Bond has to pursue the mission to rescue all MI6
operative scientists from the organization who ordered the kidnapping.
With access to the laboratories in the base in Puerto Rico, Bond must
make his way through the lower level, to find the exact location of
the missing scientists. The rescue of the scientists is priority:
anyone or anything in Bond's way has to be dealt with.

Primary objectives (00 Agent):

a) Gain entry to armory
b) Unmask terrorist leader
c) Erase surveillance footage
d) Release MI6 scientists
e) Escape in elevator

Special thanks to:

Wreck, for testing, editing, text rewriting, other miscellaneous,
and porting of various Perfect Dark props.

Johnny Thunder, for the bed prop.

Zoinkity, for the Expansion Pak patch.

Carnivorous/Subdrag, for the Footsteps patch and GE Editor.

HackBond/Nico00, for testing and submitting feedback.

Thanks for playing!


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Perfect Dark Main
Diddy Kong Racing Main
Jet Force Gemini Main
Mickey's Speedway USA Main
Pokemon Snap Main
Super Smash Bros. Main

- ge-levels -
Resort & Facility
Image Unavailable

Authors: Agent43 & Sixty Four

Date: October 31st, 2022

Category: GE Solo Levels

Expansion Pak: Yes

A double pack feature with setups by Agent43 and geometry by Sixty Four.
007 is once again on the tail of Janus and has been sent to a resort and a weapons facility in Alaska to investigate.
Also featuring an AI buddy in Facility!

Patch to an unflipped GoldenEye image.

Thanks to…
Zoinkity & Carnivorous: Expansion Pak support and other features
CHLindin: Music (Titles: Folders, Cradle, Aztec, Watch)
HackBond: Various optimizations, bug fixes, and testing
Wreck: Various edits (setup, BG, text, etc), some additions, and testing
CrashOveride & Valve: CS 1.6 AK47 Model


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Perfect Dark Main
Diddy Kong Racing Main
Jet Force Gemini Main
Mickey's Speedway USA Main
Pokemon Snap Main
Super Smash Bros. Main

- ge-levels -


GoldenEye Main
Perfect Dark Main
Diddy Kong Racing Main
Jet Force Gemini Main
Mickey's Speedway USA Main
Pokemon Snap Main
Super Smash Bros. Main


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