Site Related Updates
Google Updates Interfering with login

Author: Sixty Four

Date: November 12, 2020

Category: Site Updates News


Google Chrome has updated its site to use samesite cookies. This indirectly interferes with how this site is set up. So without changing settings in chrome you can't log-in using google chrome, or any of its branches such as edge. At the moment Firefox is highly recommended. Regardless of there attempt to clean this 'little change' up I still suggest switching to Firefox. I will end up fixing this internally on the site soon though.

This is a way to fix this on chrome. Just enter this into your google browser (same with edge)


A page will come up and you can disable that same feature. Now you can log back in with google.

Samesite off
Image Unavailable
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Announcement Updates 3-25-19

Author: Sixty Four

Date: March 25, 2019

Category: Site Updates News


I decided to create this section to have certain announcments and updates. By reading them you can follow a long with the small changes to the site and help you navigate much easier and faster.

The site has updated some the past week and a half here are some updates.

Added ABC order to level list pages: (Requested by: The Renegadist)
At the bottom of each level list page is a navigation section. There you can find an alphabetical list display if you want to view levels that way. (Especially useful for GE)

ABC order lists as of now are featured on

GE, DKR, and SSB.

Soon every list page will include the feature.

Added Recently Updated Section:

On the main side bar you can now see recently updated mods or latest released mods.

This is because I felt updates were going very unnoticed. I wanted them to be visible for the community.
You can view the 5 most recent on the side bar or you can click on "Recently Updated" button on the side bar and see the entire list.
It will only display chosen updated posts so the slightest change to a post won't trigger this anymore!
The same goes for the Latest releases.

Fixed some Twitter buttons: (This one is for you SubDrag heh)

When the site was leaked early the last thing I thought to check was if the twitter button for each page was working correctly(what do you know they didn't).
I have found a way to globally fix them without editing each page manually.
However, we will still have to remove the existing one. So for the moment till I can clean up the old ones.
There is two tweet buttons.
Use the second tweet button to get a proper tweet.

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Announcements and Updates.:


Goldeneye Levels
Diddy Kong Racing Levels
Mickey's Speedway USA Levels
Super Smash Bros Levels


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